Registration using a payment slip
For payments from Switzerland, use our Post Office
87-239249-6 CHF
For payments from countries other than Switzerland,
our account has following details:
IBAN: CH67 0900 0000 8723 9249 6
Account holder: Verein
Zürich Marathon, 8041 Zürich
Entry Fee
Early booking
CHF 90.-- until 31 May 2012
CHF 110.-- From 1 June
2012 until 28 February 2013
CHF 130.-- until 24 March
There is
no late registration.
Starting celeb runners
10. Zurich Marathon, 42,195 km
Thomas Heiniger
- Liselotte Illi
- Christian Belz
- Fabian Jeker
3. Teamrun (9,7 km, 10,8 km, 4 km, 17,7 km)
NIKE LunarStars: Sarah
Meier, Jonathan «Jontsch» Schächter, Jubaira Bachmann, Knackeboul
BMW Running Team: Denise Bielmann, Uli Forte, Linda Fäh, Ronny Schildknecht
Stadtrat Zürich: Daniel Leupi, Andy Feitknecht, Andres Türler, Gerold Lauber
Gemeinderat Stadt
Zürich: Guido Trevisan, Martin Mächler, Wüthrich Katrin, Martin Abele
Team Elmer: Dieter
Elmer, Ursula Elmer, Daria
Elmer, Regula Müller
Start - Finish
The race starts at 8:30 am.
All competitors must cross
the finish line at 2:00 pm.
The starting point is located in Zurich Mythenquai,
at Hafendamm Enge. The walking distance from theclothes bag check
to the starting point is 500 - 800m.
Please make sure to be in
your performance sectors at least 15 minutes
before the start of the race. The sectors
are divided by expected finishing
times and are appropriately color-coded and marked. Please choose the sectors
that matches your expected performance time. Fair play! Your race time will
not be clocked until you pass
the red mat
on the ground
at the starting line.
Time limit: 5:30 (transponder timing)
With respect to residents along
the race course and the road traffic, there
is a maximum time limit of 5:30 hours
for completing the race. Runners,
who are not
within the required time limit, will have to
turn in their
transponders. Runners, who do not
reach the turning point in Meilen at 12.00am have to hand over their
transponder and number bib.
Is this your first marathon race? If you
are able to complete a half-marathon
in less than 2:15 hours, you should
be able to reach the finish
line of the Zurich Marathon within the required time
Timing / Transponder
Transponders will
be used for time measurement. All participants in the Zurich
Marathon will receive an integrated transponder within their number bib. You will find
all necessary information regarding the transponder on the back of your number bib.
Please return the transponder after you have
crossed the finish line. If there is nobody to take your
transponder, please return it at
the info desk at the
finish area or mail it to: Datasport AG, Postfach 117, 4563 Gerlafingen. Runners who do not
return their transponder will be charged (from May 2013) CHF 60.-.
Participants can neither use their
own chips nor transponders!
Intermediate times
Your intermediate
time will be stopped at 1/4, 1/2 and
3/4 of the marathon.
General Info
Beverages and Food
There are twelve fluids and food stations along
the course. The first one is at
kilometer 3,5. There will be another fluids and food station approximately every 3,5 kilometers until the finish
line. After the finish athletes get drinks and food in the
start and finish area.
Changing rooms / showers
Available on Sunday from 6:30 am - 3:00 pm at public swimming
bath Mythenquai (near to starting and finish area) as
well as at
the Saalsporthalle from 6:00 am - 5:00 pm. Shuttle bus service to and from the
Saalsporthalle is provided.
Clothes bag check
The way to the supervised clothes bag check
in the starting area (in train
cars) will be indicated. Please use only your
official clothes bag and attach your number sticker
(which bears the same number
as your number
You will receive a coupon attached to your
number bib which allows your
relatives and friends to pick up
your clothes bag beginning at
9:30 am in the finish area (Mythenquai).
The following actions
lead to a disqualification:
Running without a number bib, running
without the official transponder, getting assisted by a vehicle (bike, inline-skates, etc.) and starting in
the wrong section.
There is a meeting point at Hafendamm Enge (yellow ewz arc). Here, runners can meet
up with friends
and family members after the race.
Each finisher may get a personal
diploma free of charge after
the race on as a download. The runners
also have the possibility to order a diploma with their finisher
photo against payment.
After crossing the finish
line all runners will receive their
medal at the finish tent.

Photographers from Alpha Foto will take pictures
at selected photo sites along
the race course and in the
Finish area. Give us your
best smile, and we will provide
beautiful marathon pictures of you and your participating friends. You can
view and purchase the pictures after
the race at
Finisher-Shirt from NIKE
All runners who hand
in their transponders after crossing the finish
line will receive a NIKE Dri-FIT performance shirt, available in men's
and women's cut from size XS to
XL. Men's: short-sleeved Dri-FIT performance top with a narrow fit, perfect for running. Women's:
short-sleeved Dri-FIT women's top with Raglan shoulder dart, providing optimum freedom of movement.
After completing the race, view your
personal, free finisher
video at
First Aid
A sanitary
stand is provided by SportClinic Zurich in the starting and finish areas as
well as at
each food stand. In case of an emergency
please contact the next race
course personnel immediately so that he/she may
arrange for all necessary steps
to be taken. An emergency unit is provided by SportClinic Zurich in the
finish area.
Info desk
On Friday and Saturday there will be an info desk available
at Saalsporthalle. On Sunday the info
desk will be located at Hafendamm
Enge (Starting and Finish Area).
Lost and Found
All lost and found items can be dropped
off and collected at the info
desk at Hafendamm Enge (Starting and
Finish Area) until 3:00 pm on
Sunday. After that, all items will
be transferred to the municipal lost
and found office at Werdmühlestrasse 10 (open M-F, 7:30 am - 5:30 pm; Tel.
044 412 25 50).
Pacemakers will be available for the respective
goal times of 3:00, 3:15,
3:30, 3:45, 4:00, 4:15, 4:30, 4:45, 5:00. The pacemakers
will be equipped with a balloon from Garmin with their adequate
goal time printed on and wearing a dark green NIKE Dri-FIT Shirt. Pacemakers are going to use Garmin GPS-Watches.
On Saturday, there will be a Pasta-Party from 4.00 pm until
7.00 pm at the Saalsporthalle. All runners and accompanying persons are invited to
join. Runners receive a voucher for the party.
Ranking List
The Ranking List with your intermediate times at 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4
of the marathon will be provided after the race
Time standard guide table
Runners can pick up
a time standard guide table with a handy
wrist band for free at the Garmin stall at
the Marathon Expo.
Attached to the number
bib, you will receive a one-day pass for
unlimited travel within the entire
network of the Zurich public transportation
system (ZVV) on sunday, 7 April 2013.
The city center will be closed from 8.00 am until 3.00 pm. The following tram lines are affected
by the marathon:
2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 13 as well
as the bus
lines 33, 161, 165, 910 and 912. The Seestrasse will be closed between Meilen and the city of zurich until 2.30 pm. There are
no parking spaces available.
Victory ceremony
The official victory ceremonies at the marquee
will start as follows:
09.30 am: 10km cityrun
11.00 am: Zurich Marathon Elite
01.00 pm: Schwiss Marathon Championship
01.15 pm: Zurich cantonal Championship
01.30 pm: Teamrun
02.00 pm: Zurich cantonal Championship
all categories
The runners receive a SMS for the official victory
In the starting and finish areas an important number of mobile WC's is available. Along the race course
there are mobile WC's at each
food stand. In the city of Zurich and in the townships
on the shore
of the lake the public toilets
are free for the participants. A race course employee
may indicate you the next
WC location.